Human Race NigeriaHuman Race NigeriaHuman Race Nigeria
R111/112 Naze Industrial Estate
Federal Polytechnic Nekede Road Owerri



At human races we offer Neurosurgical and Spinal Surgeries with one of the best facilities in the entire South east REGIO

The hospital boasts of state of the art neurosurgical armamentarium for best international neurosurgical practice such as high speed drilling machine, cautery machines for hemeostasis, carl zeis operating microscope, intra operative image intensifier, neurosurgical operating tables, anesthetic machine, roof top theater lights, intra operative neuro monitoring machines, intra operative image iterensifier (fluoroscopic machine) Other equipments includes Diagnostic MRI, CT scan, digital ultra sound, digital x-ray, Microsurgical instruments, Specialized head holding devices, such as Mayfield three point head holder and duro head clamps. spine instruments for cervical, thoracic, lumber sacral spine procedures, with 24 hours O2 plant for oxygen production, storage and distribution to the two neurosurgical theater suits and ward.

There is a complimentary CAT lab section for cardiovascular procedure and endoscopy unit. Well equipt ward and intensive care unit with ventilators and highly trained personnel 

– Brain and spinal cord Tumors
– Head and spinal cord injuries
– Spinal cord compression

Congenital neurosurgical malefaction
– Cerbrovascular accidents with stroke or without stroke.
– Anterioveneus malefaction
– Carenoma
– aneurysms
– depenorative conditions in the brain and spinal cord.

Our serious are 24hours from Monday to Sunday with all round medical consultation our staff are courteous, passionate and highly